18 серпня 2024 р. 15:36

"Oschadbank failed to find buyers for 60 hectares of land

(Photo: Prozorro.Sale)

Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of Ukraine put up for sale three land plots with a total area of 60 hectares in Odesa region, but the auction did not take place.

This is stated in a report published by Prozorro.Sale.

According to the report, no one applied for the auction, so the three plots: 41.3, 14.5, and 4.2 hectares, did not change ownership. The plots are located in the village of Molodizhne in the former Ovidiopol, now Odesa district of Odesa region, and the buyer could use them for the placement and operation of main, auxiliary and auxiliary buildings and structures of processing, machine-building and other industries.

The land was put up for a three-round English auction, which means that bidders submit their closed bids before the auction starts. Potential buyers do not know whether there are other competitors and do not see each other's bids. The electronic trading system ranks the bids from the lowest to the highest, and the one who made the highest (closed) price offer has the right of last resort in each round. This gives him the highest chance of winning.

The auction starts when at least two bidders have registered for the auction.

In July 2023, a 7.7-hectare plot of land for a yacht and tourist complex in the floodplains of the Sychavskyi pond in Pivdenne, Odesa region, was once again put up for auction.

Meanwhile, since the land market was launched on July 1, 2021, 23,358.7 hectares of land have been sold in Odesa region, 26,820.1 hectares in Kherson region, and 18,822 hectares in Mykolaiv region.

Over the entire period of the market's operation, the most popular land was in Poltava region: 60,360 hectares were sold there. The average price of a hectare of land in the region reached UAH 42.8 thousand. Dnipropetrovs'k region followed with 58,869 hectares, and Kharkiv region with 54,458 hectares.

Currently, only a quarter of the land is changing hands through sale and purchase. The vast majority of changes of ownership concern land inherited by the family - 65% of alienations.