11 жовтня 2024 р. 11:58

Gym instead of work, million-dollar apartment and ties to Tatarov: what police general Shayhet is hiding

(Photo: Screenshot from the video)

Police General Serhiy Shaykhet uses his official car to go to the gym instead of working, lives in luxury real estate not listed in his declaration, and has ties to the Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Oleh Tatarov.

This is stated in an investigation by Bihus.Info.

Thus, journalists found that young General Serhiy Shayhet, who was promoted in the fall of 2023 and headed the Migration Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, spends about three hours in the middle of the day at a sports complex. He arrives there in a company car with operational license plates, which law enforcement officers are required to use during operational work.

Investigators found out that this car was transferred to the department from international partners.

Journalists also regularly spotted Shaykhet driving the same official car at the entrance and exit of one of Kyiv's most expensive residential complexes.

This complex is known for its high real estate prices, where a smaller apartment costs more than $1 million. In his declaration, Shaykhet lists only an old house in Lutsk and his wife's apartment in Odesa, but no information about the apartment in Kyiv.

In addition, the investigation revealed his ties to influential people, including Oleh Tatarov, deputy head of the Presidential Office. There is also video footage of Shaykhet attending Tatarov's sports training sessions.

Journalists have suggested that the close relationship between the two influenced Shaykhet's rapid career advancement.

The general's father is engaged in security activities, being a co-owner of the security company Security. Its other co-owner is the largest oil company Ukrnafta, which was controlled by oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky and the Privat group before it was nationalized.

It is worth adding that before Shayhet became the head of the Migration Police Department, he was the head of the Mykolaiv Main Department of the National Police. Before that, he was the deputy head of the Odesa Regional Police Department and the head of the Odesa Regional Investigation Department.

Shaykhet refused to comment to Bihus.Info journalists.

Ірина Глухова