07 жовтня 2024 р. 10:58

Government accountability: how Mykolaiv councils publish decisions of their leaders

(PHOTO: Mykolaiv City Council)

It has become known how many resolutions out of the total number are published by the heads of Mykolaiv councils. The only one that publishes 100% of its resolutions is the Mykolaiv District Council.

This was reported by the Center for Public Investigations.

In order to find out to what extent local governments in the South publish resolutions of council leaders, the Center for Public Investigations sent requests to the city, district and regional councils of Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson to publish resolutions of their leaders.

Mykolaiv city council did not provide information on the total number of resolutions signed by its head Oleksandr Senkevych from January to June, but reported that he signed 180 resolutions on core activities, 137 on personnel issues and 153 on business trips, which is approximately 470 resolutions in total. There are 120 resolutions published on the council website, while 60 resolutions were decided not to be published. Thus, Mykolaiv city council publishes 25.53% of the total number of signed resolutions by Mayor Senkevych.

According to information from Mykolaiv district council, its head Hanna Koverzneva signed 42 resolutions in six months, all of which were published, as confirmed on the council website. This is the only council that publishes 100% of its resolutions.

Anton Tabunshchyk, the head of Mykolaiv Regional Council, elected to this position in April, signed 142 resolutions by the end of June, of which only 2 were published, and 124 were not, which is 1.41% of the total.

Aliona Yegorova , head of the project"Certification of Local Council Deputies" (coordinated by the Odesa Committee of Voters), noted that information administrators must publish regulatory acts and acts of individual action (except for internal organizational acts).

Although during martial law, acts of local governments may be subject to restrictions on the publication of certain documents, this does not apply to orders of local council chairmen, the expert added.

It is also worth noting that Anton Tabunschyk, before being elected chairman of the council, signed resolutions as the first deputy chairman. There are 16 such resolutions published on the website, including not only those on convening sessions but also other general issues.

As for the mayor of Odesa, Hennadii Trukhanov signed 1417 resolutions in the first six months of 2024. Of these, 501 orders were on general issues, and 916 were on personnel matters. Only orders on general issues were made public, and not all of them - only 488. The regional council explained this by the conditions of martial law.

According to the Odesa Regional Council, Hryhoriy Didenko signed an unknown number of orders in six months - they ignored this point of the request. They only answered that they had published 216 orders. The head of the Odesa district council , Vitaliy Barvinenko, did not answer the Center for Public Investigations.

Mykolaiv City Council has been operating and holding sittings remotely for more than two years. In addition to the non-transparent voting procedure, when it is not clear on the screen whether a deputy is present at the meeting at all, there are a number of other comments on the organization of online voting. These conclusions were made by experts of the Odesa regional organization of the Committee of Voters of Ukraine after analyzing the activities of Mykolaiv City Council.

Анна Бальчінос