15 серпня 2024 р. 17:56

Conspiracy for tens of millions: two Odesa companies caught in public procurement fraud

(Stalkanat plant. Photo: odesafilmoffice.org.ua)

In Odesa, the AMCU exposed a collusive agreement between companies in a tender for the procurement of elevator maintenance services.

This was reported by the Southern Interregional Territorial Department of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

Antimonopoly officials found that PJSC PO Stalkanat-Silur and Service Management LLC colluded during thirty-four procurements conducted between 2016 and 2020 by Odesa utilities. The procurements concerned the maintenance of elevators for a total amount of over UAH 84 million.

The investigation revealed that these companies acted in concert, which violated the law on competition protection. On August 13, 2024, they were found guilty of anti-competitive actions that distorted the bidding results.

The agency noted that PJSC PA "Stalkanat-Silur" was fined UAH 1,483,665.

At the same time, Service Management LLC cannot be fined, as the company has already ceased its operations.

According to the law on public procurement, companies that have been involved in anti-competitive practices for three years may be denied participation in procurement.

Recently, the antimonopoly authorities imposed a fine on a passenger transportation company for failure to provide information. The company in question is Avtoline Odesa LLC.

Earlier, two Odesa hotels added stars to their hotels, although they did not have the relevant documents. Antimonopoly authorities imposed a fine on these hotels.

Also, the Southern Interregional Territorial Department of the Antimonopoly Committee accused the municipal enterprise "Heat Supply of Odesa" of abusing its monopoly position in the market.