19 вересня 2024 р. 17:26

An indictment against the head of the occupied medical institution in Kherson region was sent to court

(Photo: Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office)

The "head" of the occupation department of a health care facility in Kalanchak will be tried

This was reported by the press service of the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The post says that prosecutors of the Kherson Regional and Skadovsk District Prosecutor's Offices sent an indictment to the court against a local resident on the fact of collaboration (Part 5 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The investigation established that in August 2022, the accused began to cooperate with the occupiers and took the position of "head" of the so-called "Kalanchak branch of the Skadovsk interdistrict department of the State Budgetary Health Care Institution "Kherson Regional Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology". The defendant recruited staff to work in the pseudo-establishment, carried out general management of the department, distributed responsibilities among employees, and monitored their compliance with labor discipline. She also organized events to ensure the loyalty of local residents to the activities of representatives of the aggressor state and the occupation administration.

The special pre-trial investigation was conducted by the SBU Office in Kherson region.

Earlier it was reported that a local resident who was in charge of financial issues of the occupation "Ministry of Information Policy of Kherson region" was suspected. According to the investigation, in September 2022, the suspect collaborated with the enemy, taking the position of the so-called "Head of the Financial and Accounting Department - Chief Accountant" in the occupation "Ministry of Information Policy of the Kherson Region".

It was also said that the "head and member of the PEC" in Mykilske would be tried in Kherson region for organizing and holding a pseudo-referendum.

Володимир Шкаєв